Monday 13 April 2015


Well I was on my way to office when this weird incident happened.
My cab stopped, driver got down and started abusing and hitting a guy (in his 40's). His specs fell down and was broken too. Don't know but it seems like driver had the fun of hitting that man.

I saw this incident from the back seat of the cab and thinking what and why is this happening? I was really curious to know why the cab driver hit the poor guy. The guy did not resist nor hit back. Nicely took the slaps and kept staring at him. Picked up his glass and went off on his bicycle.

And then this great guy having all the privilege in the world of hitting a guy, just passing the road, got back into his seat like a KING!!! Well what happened next, my curiosity erupted like a volcano and I asked him why did you hit him?

To my astonishment, the cab drivers reply made me think, was the guy (who got hit) really poor and innocent? Like Mahatma Gandhi, took all the slaps and hits.  Well this person(who got hits) abused him (ga**u, ch***ya etc) unnecessarily. He did not get hit by his car nor this cab driver was in the wrong lane.

I really do not understand, as in was there really a need of this arguments and fight? I mean how important is to abuse or to fight? Instead of passing a smile and letting things go we are more interested in sharing abuses and giving some slaps in return. Why so much hate for the person you don't even know? Why so much anger is present within our self? Why can't we live in a civilized way?

Passing swears and hitting instead of helping each other, huhhh. What many more things we are going to do against our own race our own people? This is what the great Indian society is turning into?

Monday 11 August 2014

Bombay to Mumbai: Just the name changed.

     I don't know the motivation behind writing this blog is, well still figuring out. 
     It was the eve of rakshabhandan and I had to be in MUMBAI (the city of dreams). I had made my choice that I won't be going on this which is one of most beautiful festival because as usual no commutation was available due to rush. So left for college, but somehow I managed to get a bus, parked my bike at my friends place got in the bus and off too Mumbai.

     Rush, it has become an integral part or actually heart of Mumbai. Rush in bus, trains, rush for cabs and rickshaws and also rush in the minds and hearts of people. Well not sure about the heart part though. Do we have one???? Here we just want to keep moving, heading towards our destination like a mechanical device and living a mechanical life without understanding that what we are missing. 

      Is humanity still there in our heart or is it dying in the phase of reaching towards our destination??? I mean people just see that something is happening; something which is not good and unfortunately they just see it and then ignore it. Recently, there has been a situation in Australia where a guy was stuck between the train and the platform, so everyone on the platform pushed the whole bloody train to save him. On the contrary, there has been a situation in Mumbai where a guy was getting in the local train, during the so called peak hours, and in the process of getting in the local he fall on the foot board half in and half out. Everyone was crushing him and going in the train because probably they were getting late to reach home. Just see the level of ignorance. This shows how human we are and the kind of humanity we are cultivating in our hearts. These kinds of incidents are happening every alternate day and see the irony that everyone is letting it happen.

     Why are we killing the human within our self? Why are we ignoring everything? Aren't we literate enough to see and understand wrong? We always think that the government should change so something good should happen, but why aren't we changing our own self first?

     We want everything but to get the same we need to save at least something. We want the change but it should start from us. Save our own self, save our heart before it becomes an organ just to keep our self-alive.